Sally Francis is a Complementary Therapist and for 25 years has been working as a therapist and life coach. She is a qualified Kinesiologist to advanced level, a Crystal and Spiritual Healer, and a tutor.

From childhood Sally became aware that she had a caring and healing effect on those around her and the nature of her various employments reinforced this through their need for contact with people in a supportive and healing way.

When reflecting on her life it is apparent that her destiny was to become a therapist. The synchronistic circumstances leading to the training courses definitely seemed to point to the fact that supporting, healing and helping others was her destiny.

Her experiences and success in her work as a complementary therapist led to writing and teaching accredited courses, workshops and ultimately this book.

Sally’s qualifications are Foundation and Advanced Certificate in Applied Kinesiology; Certificate in Spiritual Healing; Diploma in Crystal Healing; Certificate in Hopi Ear Candling; City and Guilds Certificate in Teaching Further Education.